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FastPay provides two environments so that partners can integrate into their systems:

Productionhttps://payment.fastpay.financeIt is deployed for service payment customer.
Sandboxhttps://sandbox-payment-api.fastpay.financeIt is used for integrate process: Developing function, testing, debugging.

APIs General Information

Every request which calls to FastPay APIs has to follow below contrainsts:

HTTP Request

For HTTP Request which was sent to FastPay, FastPay requires partners attach information into HTTP Header follow describe information inside under table.

AttributeMandatoryData TypeDescription
x-api-key✔️StringAPI Key is provided when partner integrates it. Access to page to get information.

HTTP Response

When FastPay accepts and processing the request, FastPay will return the result to client with below informations:

Response Payload

AttributeMandatoryData TypeDescription
code✔️StringRequest processing code: Refer to FastPay error code table for more detail
message✔️StringDescribe processing result, maybe use it for customer's view or debugging
responseTime✔️StringFastPay response time (Timestamp - Miliseconds)
detailJson ObjectCoressponding with each API will has different detail. Observe detail at APIs that you used.
"code": "SUCCESS",
"responseTime": 1721724783723,
"message": "Success",
"detail": null

Response Status

Status CodeDescription
200 OKIndicates that the request has succeeded.
400 Bad RequestThe server could not understand the request due to incorrect syntax. The client should NOT repeat the request without modifications.
403 ForbiddenUnauthorized request. The client does not have access rights to the content. Unlike 401, the client’s identity is known to the server.
500 Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
502 Gateway TimeoutThe server is acting as a gateway and cannot get a response in time for a request.


signature is a string of characters that is generated from a given algorithm, that is used to check the correctness of data on data link between FastPay and Merchant's system. Using signature in order to make sure that data is not changed during exchange data processing of FastPay and Merchant happen.

When FastPay receives request FastPay will compare signature which was sent from partner with FastPay's one, request will be processed once both of signatures are matched, vise versa process will be denied.

For Merchant's side, when receive response or request to FastPay, merchant should verify signature before processing the response.

Instruction for creating signature

Step 1: Information

Configuration Information

Algorithm: HMAC_SHA512

SecretKey: NgaXAQRmoxdZfa6abzs7l21h0WTF47IV

x-api-key: MGMYZQq56yEMuD86L0wlf3l3FpqzzAT5

Here is SandBox's environment information, it's used for testing and integration purpose. In case you need to use your own information please use business account that is provided by FastPay.

Header Information


Json Example to Generate signature

var payload = {
"requestId": "a5ba514c-5698-4aa9-b9de-d385351f54cc",
"requestType": "createOrder",
"requestTime": 1721725275,
"orderId": "1721725275",
"accountId": "demouser",
"network": "BSC",
"type": "deposit",
"redirectUrl": "",

Step 2: Create signature:

All information from request/response parameters/payload to construct data string with structure format: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3& ... keyN=valueN

Note: keys are arranged in order A-Z, if value is null then value is empty ("")

With key1 is parameter/payload name, value1 is corresponding value to key1, likewise key2, key3, ... to keyN

var params = accountId=demouser&network=BSC&orderId=1721725275&redirectUrl=

signature = HMAC_SHA512(params, secretKey)

//Result: 4d838ce8ba3b989d193a943c3cb7fd226c371d5deb20291327b58b944049b64f37d50393f7245ad288d09a5d3c3e5cbfb8b2fd9cfd7ea07b877c3bbad621fd45

Tips: You can use tool: for data testing.

Step 3: Send a request to FastPay Server

curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: MGMYZQq56yEMuD86L0wlf3l3FpqzzAT5' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"requestId": "a5ba514c-5698-4aa9-b9de-d385351f54cc",
"requestType": "createOrder",
"requestTime": 1721725275,
"orderId": "1721725275",
"accountId": "demouser",
"network": "BSC",
"type": "deposit",
"redirectUrl": "",
"lang": "en",
"signature": "4d838ce8ba3b989d193a943c3cb7fd226c371d5deb20291327b58b944049b64f37d50393f7245ad288d09a5d3c3e5cbfb8b2fd9cfd7ea07b877c3bbad621fd45"